Located right in the heart of Pagosa Springs, Elevation Head Shop is a small retail location that offers a variety of products. Opening back in 2014, Elevation Head Shop has become the go-to place for many people in Pagosa and is the finest shop in the area offering top of the line products from brands like Green Zen, CBDoobie, Raw, Ultrahemp and more.
Elevation Head Shop offers a long list of alternative products. For smokers, the retail location has its fair share of vaporizers, e-nails, e-juice, grinders, CBD products, and so much more. The head shop has gone far beyond that though and offers quite a few jewelry and detox products as well. In addition to offering large brands, Elevation also showcases a lot of pieces of artwork from the local talent.
A major aspect of Elevation Head Shop’s inventory is hemp. If you’re looking for hemp products, there is a good chance that the shop has it. Elevation offers hemp in a variety of forms, such as edibles, capsules, salves, protein powder, honey, and so much more.
The staff is always there to offer any customers information on any of their products and help in any way they can. If you’re looking for a new vape pen or you’re just trying to get your hands on some awesome hemp products, Elevation Head Shop has you covered. Visit the store yourself at 510 San Juan St, Pagosa Springs, CO 81147.