Vaporizing your cannabis has become a much more common trend with modern smokers in recent times. However, that does not mean that there aren’t vets who dedicated their time & careful attention to developing a quality vaporizer. AtmosRx is one of those veterans in the game.
Established in 2011, AtmosRx had the vision to create the ultimate portable & electronic vaporizer in the most convenient size possible. This is when they introduced their original product the AtmosRx Electronic Vaporizer. That doesn’t mean they stopped there though, they expanded their product line to create a comprehensive spread of vaporizers to accommodate a greater range of smokeables.
To add some clout to the mix, AtmosRx has partnered with Tyga, yes that Tyga, to create a line of vaporizers that fit each of their categories. The “Rack City” applied the same braggadocious feel to a stunning line of vaporizers. The vaporizers created through this deal are silver-plated & gold-plated for optimal flexing on Instagram.
It doesn’t stop there though. If you are interested in dabbling in e-cigarettes and fluids, AtmosRx has your back. Utilizing their established experience in cannabis-based vaporizers, AtmosRx took their knowledge and applied it to the bustling e-cigarette market. Already got a vaporizer for e-cigarettes? They have replacement liquids for you as well!
Finally, AtmosRx understands the woes of smokers and their “coincidental” habit of losing individual parts that are always frustrating to get replaced resulting in the purchase of another vaporizer. On the website of AtmosRx you can find replacement parts for almost every product they offer. This means no more wasted money due to your forgetfulness.
In a market flooded with companies trying to get in on the lucrative vaporizer trend, it’s important to turn to the veterans of the industry. Check out AtmosRx today for a reliable brand that cares about its consumers.