Established in 2007, Black Sheep has roots in glassblowing that takes one of the founders back to their childhood.

Motivated by being black sheep themselves, a glassblower and glass salesman banded together to produce some of the finest quality glass equipment on the market.
Dab Rigs and Bongs. From their award-winning Ratchet Collection to their unique Lantern rig and bong designs, Black Sheep offers an array of styles stamped with their signature logo and a clean seamless construction. Try their beaker bong if you want to get into the mad scientist vibe.
Hand and Water Pipes. Black Sheep’s contemporary style of glasswork carries through to small items like their bubblers and beaker percolators. Micro Bottles are made to fit in your pocket, and don’t let the whiskey inspired ‘shot glasses’ fool you, they’re made to ‘knock you on your ass’.
Glass Accessories. Black Sheep Gallery doesn’t slack on the essential accessories either. From their new and special color quartz bangers to carb caps, their attention to quality shines through.
Based out of California and supplying head shops around the United States, Black Sheep Gallery has made themselves and their products known worldwide.
They pride themselves on providing quality products that’s affordable for everyone so you don’t have to break the bank for a high-grade smoke.